SLUG mail archive
Documentation for 8.0
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 12:12:15 PST
From: (Randy Groves)
Well we have never complained about having too many copies of the documentation.
For some reason or other (possibly the slowness) almost all of the folks here
do not use the Document Examiner, but rely prtty much on the hardcopy. How
about giving us all those copies fromthe people who think they're getting too
Seriously, I was expecting to have ALL of our copies updated - with the amount
of money that we've been paying over the years for full software support, I think
we deserve it. I find the 'new' policy very irritating, and having to pay
more for the sets of documentation is really a rip-off. We have been paying
for full subscription support on ALL of our copies of system software - there
has been no change in category of support that I am aware of.
-randy groves - Boeing Advanced Technology Center
UUCP: ..!uw-beaver!bcsaic!randy USNail: Boeing Computer Services
Internet:, PO Box 24346 M/S 7L-68
VOICE: (206)865-3424 Seattle, WA 98124
The users at our site are all in one room so we only need one set of manuals.
Randy's site is much more spread out and needs more manuals.
I think Symbolics should keep a current database system about what each site has
and needs. I constantly have had problems with the local Symbolics office
and the Chatsworth office knowing how our site is configured.
The last time I got update tapes for TCP/IP and FORTRAN I got four
copies of each whereas I only needed one.
I suggest that a query system could be set up inexpensively either via e-mail or phone
which could keep a database current.
Don Kaiser - Boeing Military Airplanes
UUCP: ..!uw-beaver!bcsaic!buddha!dlk
VOICE: (206)393-6219
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