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Manuals: seconded again..

    Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 09:44 EST
    From: pan@Athena.Pangaro.Dialnet.Symbolics.Com (Paul Pangaro)

	Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 10:46:06+0900
	From: kddlab!!myers@uunet.UU.NET (John K. Myers)

	The idea of having each customer site fill out a form to request the
	number of desired manuals is a good one.  Please do this.

	I for one  require my own set of manuals, and will be upset otherwise.
	  John Myers~~

    Absolutely concur with policy to 1lower 0the number, rather than
    default to 1 for 5. I have 2 machines under software maintenance
    in two different places; I don't know, how many do I get? I
    certainly need 2, since (as others have said similarly) (1) printing from
    the doc examiner is 2post hoc0 from my needs; (2) scanning paper is
    far more pleasant for many things; etc.

    Other opinions from users?


We have machines at 2 sites and our needs only require that we have a
complete manual set at each site.  We probably only really need one
manual set because everyone usually asks me before looking in the
book(s).  I'm sure that unless Symbolics adopts a "tell us how many you
need" policy that there will be unsatisfied customers no matter what
they do.  And there will still be unsatisfied customers no matter what
they do.

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